Thursday, February 28, 2008

Angels in Disguise

I doubt that KimTheBoss will ever find this but in the event that she ever does, led by the hand of faith, she should know that I think of her as the best boss everrrr! She and I (me and her), we're bff!!! My Asian work ethics taught me to exercise caution and maintain a high power distance when I first started working for her but her shining star personality has managed to penetrate my strict code and broke down the barrier that stood between us. She is single-handedly responsible for my sanity at this time; as people all around me are tearing their hair out by the chunks, I am singing (albeit to the tune of Gary Jule's Mad World which is a problem in its own right) and taking leisurely smoke breaks.

Now please excuse me while I go make shepherd's pie because KimTheBoss said I can!

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