Sunday, June 28, 2009

Come Fall

Now that I find myself making my home in the Northern Hemisphere again (in the geographical context, not the political one), I find little excuse to restrain from browsing. It's been a while since I visited Etsy. The last time I did, this girl and her offerings sent my heart into palpitations. I vowed to spend my next paycheque on her but alas that paycheque never materialized. Today, I make the same vow. Her name is Yokoo and she blogs here. I think she's extraordinarily talented.

Three Ring Chain in Barley

The Elizabeth Pom Pom

The Pembroke Cowl

The Cambridge Chain
Pictures credit: Yokoo's Etsy Page

I lifted the pictures from Etsy and in the process I hope I have not infringed upon any copyright laws. I am more than happy to credit unto Ceasar what is due to Ceasar.

In the event that the illusionary paycheque decides to evade me again, I just might settle on this as a consolatory gift.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Oh wow, it's been a while eh? The latest is that I've arrived in the UK. As much as I'd like to say I am in London, the sad truth is that I am not. I am currently in Guildford and it is very much like being in Klang. Small town, an hour or so away from the real city, got a main street, got a mall, yadda yadda. We're living with the 'rents till we have jobs to facilitate rent payments and everything that goes with that. Since my last post, quite a bit has happened. Most notably is my being engaged, renewed and improved sisterhood with Sheema, Sarika's going away in September and my parents separated by continents. Nonetheless, true to the old adage, some things (and people) do not change.

These days, I spend most of my days internet surfing, internet surfing, job hunting, food cooking and soap watching. I started of this post with something witty and intelligent to be said but then I lost the plot.

Anyhow, it's nice to say hello. I promise it won't be so long before I next call on you. Oh, True Blood is damn on!