Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Birthday, Homeboy

I'm tired, irritable and sad.

Being a stranger in someone else's home makes me miss home very much even though there isn't much to miss. Seeing Kaimah leave always strikes my little heart with a pang of sadness because it is like watching my own mother leave. And once again, I shut down a little part of me, plaster a smile on my face and behave agreeably.

At least the turkey turned out good.

Happy Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 21, 2007


In London to see the Pango's family. It's not fair that everyone oohs and aahs at Andi's accent in NY/YVR but here no one is impressed by my North American accent.

The plan is to videoblog London so if we remember, we'll have tons to post!

Promise to blog soon. I know Kapooka misses my witty banter and crude jokes.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I'm baaack!!

Virgi, come quick quick!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Happy Holidays

I'm done for the term. No giddy excitement, no clubbing nights planned, no weed binges to crash. This term, it all came to a quiet, calm close. In comparison with past terms, all that remains wild is my anticipating heart awaiting the arrival and execution of meaningful events that just might have an impact on the rest of my life.

On the smaller scheme of things, Virgi will be in NY with me! I leave on noon, Tuesday, and will be away for a whole month. In between, Andi and I head to London to see the 'rents and I will finally meet Alex.

Another year has come full circle, another term is done. How quickly it has all gone by, and how suddenly my life has changed.

February is only two months away, less now.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The 135

First final tomorrow. It's kinda nice to only have two finals. Can't say I've been here before. In retrospect, I am not quite sure how I managed 9 exams (or did I take 10, I don't remember) in 3 weeks at the tender age of 17 (note to Kapooks: it was the secondary school leaving examinations - the equivalent of provincials except that ours was at a national level meaning that all 17 year olds across the country were taking exams at the same time; and yes there were ten TEN (!) subjects - 8 of which I aced! Asian power yo!)

Anyhow, I am exhausted. Drained. A year ago, I was in second year and the reality of uni hadn't hit yet. I was off to Edmonton to a dry and cold Christmas and nothing quite mattered then. Now, a year away from graduating, life feels a little daunting and walking home alone has never felt more lonely and vulnerable. Making my own way home before used to induce in me a sort of a grown-up feeling: being able to decide what time I would leave (or not leave) and how I would commute home. It made me feel responsible and brave, a self reference to my being in charge of my own self and I loathed the scolding because it represented doubt and distrust.

Now no one is quite so surprised anymore and taxis are deemed a waste of money. I've learned to always carry an umbrella, make pretend conversation with myself and make my presence known to the bus driver.

And I want nothing more than to be chaperoned home.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Final week

I'm channeling Louis Vuitton's "sometimes home is just a feeling". I spent the weekend in Richmond, which provided some respite from the cold, sorry nights I spend alone in the apartment. Plus, it was nice to be eating three (and oftentimes, more) square meals again. We got dumped over the weekend which then turned into rain so all the snow got washed away. Pretty fucken pointless, if you ask me. It doesn't even look cute on the ground, it's all just dirty and disgusting.

Anyhow, this week can't go by any quicker. It's nice to know that all I have left to do is study and I'll be done. I am also convinced my boss is an angel sent from above with telepathic abilities. However, this also means that I am way behind my debt repayments and at the rate that I am going I'll probably never pay it back on time. But I love my boss! Damnit!

Oh and my first final is on the same day as the office Christmas party. Damnit.