The days zoom right by so quickly; and that's just fiiine by me! The countdown to 2 weeks has officially begun and it's all I talk about these days. Mr. Pang arrives on the 9th and moves on the 10th. While our furniture won't arrive for 5 weeks, we rationalize that we won't need furniture for parties so we're golden indeed.
Last night was the first time I've gone out since the new year started. The year has been a whirlwind of work and school.
I foolishly assumed the part of Superwoman and consequently, threw myself into a downward spiral of responsibilities, worries and wrinkles. I was depressed, irritable and exhausted.
In the spirit of a cure-all, Sarika darling brought together our closest and dearest and mostest for a filthy night of debauchery.
We littered Gastown with vulgar expletives and cigarette butts, revealed our dirtiest sexual exploits to the cabbie, and gratefully (albeit not too gracefully) accepted warm tea towels from the manager of the late night Chinese joint.
Despite the failure of "newly acquired friendships", it's nice to know we all had someone to go home with/to last night.

haha aw kiut! cubbing. yeah last night was... by far one of the most memorable, funnest nights of my 20 years of existence :) so...again nxt week? hehehe oh amazing choice of photos.... i look classy in every one of them (pls take notice of the sarcasm dripping off of those words) hehe <3
heeheehee... cubbing, noice!
aawww i miss you guys and wish i was there!!! :(
thanks for the awesome phone call the other day, made me miss you even more. come back to me quick!!
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