Sunday, January 27, 2008


The days zoom right by so quickly; and that's just fiiine by me! The countdown to 2 weeks has officially begun and it's all I talk about these days. Mr. Pang arrives on the 9th and moves on the 10th. While our furniture won't arrive for 5 weeks, we rationalize that we won't need furniture for parties so we're golden indeed.

Last night was the first time I've gone out since the new year started. The year has been a whirlwind of work and school.

I foolishly assumed the part of Superwoman and consequently, threw myself into a downward spiral of responsibilities, worries and wrinkles. I was depressed, irritable and exhausted.

In the spirit of a cure-all, Sarika darling brought together our closest and dearest and mostest for a filthy night of debauchery.

We littered Gastown with vulgar expletives and cigarette butts, revealed our dirtiest sexual exploits to the cabbie, and gratefully (albeit not too gracefully) accepted warm tea towels from the manager of the late night Chinese joint.

Despite the failure of "newly acquired friendships", it's nice to know we all had someone to go home with/to last night.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Charity shoppers

I am in class. Dressed in a sky-blue Brook's Brothers cardigan buttoned to my collar bone, the sleeves end precisely where they should and my black boots start from the perfect hem. Surrounding me, in a semi-circle facing the board, are my peers decked out in their charity shop clothes. Mind you, not the Regent St charity shop, but the other charity shops on Main St.

I am enrolled in an international studies class as an elective, the topic being global conflict. It is a pseudo-subject, a quack course, if you must. It has all the pretense of a serious class concerning itself with the state of the world and the resolution of conflict over the course of the contemporary world. It's subscribers are the artsy (and kitschy) kind who spurt theories and tainted versions of history like they wrote it themselves the night before. The arrogant, full-of-shit ones are the easiest to distinguish: they come to class dressed in hemp and carry cloth bags adorned with psychedelic art/ethnic or tribal designs/environment or political messages. More often than not, they possess what in their opinion are edgy or norm-defining haircuts though it is plain to see that it is but an amateur version of Kelly Osbourne's bob. But most annoying of all, these people refuse to shut the fuck up. They are rude, self-absorbed, have no respect for anyone else's opinion and insensitive to the diversity that makes up a classroom. It is shameful that the learning process is impeded, retarded even, by the disgraceful pompous attitudes of a few.

I personally believe that university is the breeding ground of genius and academic excellence and profound wisdom is evident in both our tutors and our peers (given, not all but the notion of respect and equality calls for such an assumption until proven wrong). We are granted equal access to the pursuit of knowledge and therefore each opinion, whether declared with a squeak or bellowed thunderously, must be weighed with equitable consideration - even if just meeting with courtesy's demands. Therefore I am often disgusted by attitudes that in my opinion festers ignorance (failure to correct aforementioned asswipe is considered an accomplice and hence, asswipe by association) and violates the value of another person's opinion.

Interestingly, my encounters with asswipes occur mostly in the arts courses. I have no prevailing theory or hypothesis to explain this phenomena except to say that lousy fashion choices and lice-infested hair does not justify bad attitudes!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Picture of Dorian Gray

My mind is chain-smoking. It lights up before the previous cigarette dies, scared and frightened that the dying of one flame is indicative of the end of something(s) bigger.

I quote Oscar Wilde: "Don't talk about such horrid subjects. If one doesn't talk about a thing, it has never happened. It is simply expression, as Harry says, that gives reality to things".

Expression comes in many forms these days: an email that goes without reply here and unanswered phone calls there.

But shh, be quiet now. We mustn't talk about horrid things. If we choke expression and strangle acknowledgment, maybe Harry is right after all and Dorian is neither affected nor spoilt.

And we are all sinners.

Monday, January 14, 2008

GG vs. Spooks

My newest obsession is Gossip Girl; now, this is not to say that I have kicked Spooks into the dirt. However, allow me to justify my choice. First and foremost, I am not allowed to relish in the enjoyment that is Spooks on my own.

Secondly, Spooks is almost always a precise 60 minutes long (give and take 20 seconds) since BBC has no commercials while Gossip Girl is only 40 minutes at most (it's slowly dwindled from 42 mins to 38 mins). Therefore, in the time that it takes me to go through 3 episodes of Spooks, I can instead watch 4 of Gossip Girl.

Thirdly, the outfits on GG lend so much more credibility to the show. The fucked-up-ness annoys me after a while (what's with Rufus and Lily?!?) but then the clothes serve as a worthy distraction and all is forgiven. Whereas Tom, Harry, Zoe and Danny have worn the same thing for more than 6 months now. I also disapprove of bad personal hygiene as evidenced through the cast of Spooks.

Fourthly, Spooks requires a vast amount of concentration whereas the producers of GG understand that their audience consists of mostly idiots and have kindly provided "last week's episode" bits to refresh memories which in my opinion, is very helpful indeed.

Last but not least, simply finding a decent video of GG is SO MUCH easier compared to Spooks.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to find out if or not Blair is pregnant.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


It's only been 2 days and already it feels like I've never left. This is all rather exciting. Mr. Pang finally gave me a date so we've been apartment-hunting (via Craigslist - which in my opinion is a godsend!) quite vigorously.

Also, I have been surprisingly neat since arriving home. I scare myself sometimes. And somewhat organized. My mother would be very proud if she saw me now.

This post I dedicate to Kapooks who gnarled at me last night "why have you not posted anything?". Truth is, nothing much has happened. Also, I am not witty when I am happy/sedated/jet-lagged.

It's been snowing thus everything looks pretty. But fuck, it's cold!

I have an appalling total of 50 pictures from London and New York, none of which are interesting. Also, I have more pictures of Rob than I have of anyone else. Odd.